Who should use our service?
Someone, company, or organization looking for a good deal for an event!
We can help you brainstorm, organize, and facilitate!
Someone seeking discounts!
Our customer base gets the following:
Our excursions, which, are cheaper than a ride-sharing service or if the individual did it themselves
We work with our vendors to offer you (customer) discounts, which will come through our email blast service.
Rental apartment property
Our excursions are priced lower than if the residents did them themselves.
Our excursions and events bring a level of luxury because of the uniqueness and the way we execute our events.
We offer residents discounts through our email blast
Property rental company that seeks to bring in a company to host or help plan events!
We can host, plan, and organize everything from game nights to pool parties to engage with your residents
Our excursions/events